KEY to KEY09
Convert KEY to KEY09 online and free
Step 1 - Select a file(s) to convert
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Step 2 - Convert your files to
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Employees of some of the world's most well-known brands rely on Zamzar to convert their files safely and efficiently, ensuring they have the formats they need for the job at hand. From global corporations and media companies, to respected educational establishments and newspaper publications, employees of these organisations trust Zamzar to provide the accurate and reliable conversion service they need.

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From your personal desktop to your business files, we've got you covered
We offer a range of tools, to help you convert your files in the most convenient way for you. As well as our online file conversion service, we also offer a desktop app for file conversions straight from your desktop, and an API for automated file conversions for developers. Which tool you use is up to you!
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You'll find all the conversion and compression tools you need, all in one place, at Zamzar. With over 1100 file-conversion types supported, whether you need to convert videos, audio, documents or images, you'll easily find what you need and soon have your files in the formats and sizing that work for you.
KEY Document Format KEY Converter
KEY is the name of the format for files created by Apple’s Keynote presentation app. Keynote is an alternative to presentation software like PowerPoint and Prezi, and includes functions like layout templates, animations and embedded videos. KEY presentations can be created from blank slides or from templates provided within the application. You can also play a KEY presentation on a screen while reading the notes on your device.
Along with Numbers and Pages, Keynote is installed as standard on iOS, iPadOS and macOS as part of the iWork suite. Apple users often use the in-built app because it’s available across their devices without extra downloads or subscriptions. However, the drawback with KEY files is that you need an Apple device to view and edit them. The files can't be opened by other presentation programs like PowerPoint or Google Slides, so to view the files on a Windows or Android device you would first need to convert the KEY files to another format like PDF or PPTX. You can do this either by exporting the presentation from Keynote to a different format, or by using a conversion tool.
Related Tools
KEY09 Document Format
Files with a .key09 file extension are presentation documents which are generated by Apple's "Keynote" application in versions 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 (these versions of the software were released between 2009-2012).
This is distinct from the key file produced by more modern versions of iWork.
Keynote is one of 3 programs which make up Apple's iWork office suite, a set of applications which run on the Mac OS X and iOS operating systems, also including Numbers (for spreadsheets) and Pages (for word processing).
Keynote was first released by Apple in January 2003 and began life as a program used by Steve Jobs when creating presentations for the MacWorld Conference and Expo.
Related Tools
How to convert a KEY to a KEY09 file?
- 1. Choose the KEY file that you want to convert.
- 2. Select KEY09 as the the format you want to convert your KEY file to.
- 3. Click "Convert" to convert your KEY file.
Convert from KEY
Using Zamzar, it is possible to convert KEY files to a variety of other formats:
Using Zamzar, it is possible to convert a variety of other formats to KEY09 files:
KEY to KEY09 KEY.ZIP to KEY09 PPT to KEY09 PPTX to KEY09